2. Definition: Course means a subject.
(a) Core Course means a compulsory subject chosen by the student as core requirement of the subject.
(b) Generic Elective (GE): An elective course chosen generally from an unrelated discipline/subject enlisted in Annexure and shall be a subject other than the core subject opted for.
(c) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC): A compulsory Course designed to enhance communication ability and Environmental concern comprising i) English/MIL Communication & ii) Environmental Science.
(d) Credit: it is a fixed teaching hour course. I Credit = 15 Hours of teaching.
(e) Academic Year means program session from July to June divided into two semesters.
(f) Semester mean six months teaching and evaluation as part of the total program. A semester normally comprises 15 teaching weeks and 5 weeks for the conduct of examinations and evaluation.
(g) Modern Indian Language (MIL): The following shall be treated as Modern Indian Language for the purpose of this Regulation: Hindi, Bangla, Urdu, Khortha, Nagpuria, Kurukh, Mundari and Santhali.
3. Eligibility Criteria for Admission in B.A. (1st Semester)
Honours Course:
(a) A Student who has passed the +2 Examination of the 10+2 system or an equivalent examination of a recognized University/Board with a minimum of 45% marks in the concerned subject or in an allied subject shall be eligible to seek admission.
(b) A student who has earned a Certificate or Diploma in any professional course of a recognized institution after 10+2 level with at least 45% in the aggregate at +2 levels shall also be eligible to seek admission.
(c) A student who has passed the +2 examination of the 10+2 system or an equivalent examination in Commerce with at least 45% marks in the aggregate at +2 examination shall be eligible for admission to B.A. (Hons.) 1st Semester.
(d) A student who has passed the +2 examination with at least 45% marks in the aggregate in any faculty of studies is eligible for admission to B.A. (Hons.) 1st Semester in Philosophy, Anthropology, Home Science, Sociology, Labor and Social welfare, any language including tribal language, or any other subject in which teaching at +2 level is scanty or unavailable as a core subject.
(e) A college can also conduct entrance examination for admission to one or all the three degree courses as an alternative method of admission.
General Course:
A Candidate belonging to any of the categories (i) to (iv) mentioned above shall be eligible to seek admission in similar courses but there shall be no constraint of minimum marks in any case as has been laid down for Honours Course.
Allied Subjects: The following shall be treated as allied subjects for this purpose.
(i) Sociology and Anthropology
(ii) Ancient Indian History, Asian Studies and History
(iii) Rural Economics, Applied Economics, Labor and Social welfare and Economics
(iv) Microbiology, Biotechnology/Botany, Zoology/Chemistry
4. Subject for B.Sc. (Gen.) Semester - I examination and structure of Course & Marks Distribution.
(a) A Candidate for the B.A. (Gen.) Semester I examination shall be required to offer and be examined in three optional subjects comprising three papers and one AECC - I (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course) Comprising one paper 50 Marks.
(b) In case of with practical each of the optional paper shall carry 100 marks in which 75 marks (Exter. 60 : Inter. 15) will be for theory and 25 Marks (Exter. 20: Inter. 05) for practical examination.
Table-1 Course of Structure & Marks Distribution of B.A. (Gen.) with Practical Papers.
(c) In case of non practical subjects the paper will carry 100 marks (Exter. 80: Inter. 20)
Table-2 Course of Structure & Marks Distribution of B.A. (Gen.) without Practical Papers.
(d) Foundation course AECC- 1 (50 marks) compulsory for Hons. & Gen. Both student may opt any language paper such as: Hindi/English/Sanskrit/Bengali/Regional Language.
5. Subject for B.A. (Hons.) Semester 1 examination and structure of course & Marks Distribution.
(a) A candidate for the B.A. (Hons.) Semester – 1 examination shall be required to offer and be examined in one core subject comprising two papers, one Generic Elective paper (Inter-Disciplinary) and one paper Compulsory AECC I (ENG./ M.I.L. Communication) 50 marks.
(b) Provided that wherever practical examination is prescribed
(i) In Case of Generic Elective Subject one paper shall carry 100 marks in which 75 marks (Enter. 60: Inter. 15) will be for theory and 25 marks (Exter. 20 : Inter. 05) for practical examination.
(ii) In case of core subjects paper I & II shall carry 75 marks (Exter. 60 : Inter. : 15) each and a practical examination of 50 marks (Exter. 40 : Inter. 10)
Table-3 Course of Structure & Marks Distribution of B.A. (Hons.) with Practical Papers.
(c) In case of non practical subject the paper will carry 100 marks (Exter. 80: Inter. 20)
Table-4 Course of Structure & marks distribution of B.A. (Hons.) with Practical Papers.
(d) Foundation Course – AECC-I (50 marks) compulsory for Hons. & Gen. both. Student may opt any language paper such as: Hindi/English/Sanskrit/ Bengali/Regional language.